New Breakthrough Prayer Initiative
Join us in praying a bold new Breakthrough Prayer at Jerome Church! Each day at 3:20 am or pm, set an alarm and pray this prayer asking God to do abundantly more through Jerome Church and our community!
Breakthrough Prayer
God, all glory to You who is able to do abundantly more than we can ever ask or imagine. Use Your power at work within us to guide Jerome Church to live out Your mission of loving You, loving people, and making world-changing disciples of Jesus. Amen.
How can we pray for you?
Share your prayer or praise on the prayer wall. You can choose to share it publicly on this page, anonymously, or privately with our Pastor and prayer team.
Please note that prayers will be received and reviewed prior to publicly posting. To protect the privacy of others, please avoid using full names and/or other identifying information for public or anonymous requests.
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